
Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Sweet Enough Already: a bedtime treat

On wet, blustery nights, when my window rattles and all I want to do is curl up with a good book and a mountain of blankets, a hot chocolate is just the thing to warm me through and lift my spirits. Ready-made drinking chocolate powders are full of sugar or sweeteners (not all of these are good substitutes) and never feel like the real thing, anyway. Knock up this winter-warmer in under a minute and then put your feet up.

Add a splash of milk (works well with dairy/soya/almond/whatever milk you dream of) to 1 heaped tsp of cocoa powder and make a paste. A touch of boiling water will help this along, then top up with more milk, add a squirt of dark agave nectar (about 1tsp worth) and microwave. Sweeten to taste with more agave. Settle yourself somewhere comfy and feel your cockles warming.

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