
Sunday, 29 December 2013

Reclaiming myself in 2014

At the beginning of 2013, I was freshly diagnosed with PCOS, stumbling along trying to eat lower GI, cramping badly from a recently-fitted Mirena coil and wondering if I'd ever have another period. I was expecting hair to start to melt away and skin to clear and happiness to sprout out of nowhere but I wasn't sure how I was going to get there. I didn't quite know what I was up against and it was daunting.

A year later and I'm in love with my Mirena, my skin's miles better and I've started to get the hang of which grains when with what (and why is wheat such an enigma?) I'm still steadily growing hairier and it's knocked my confidence a bit further but I'm taking steps to reclaim myself from this condition - steps which began in August when I said hello to hairy pits and realised that hair is just hair. In contrast, 2013 was also the year I was prescribed Vaniqa cream for hirsutism - and the year I said "Sod that," and stopped using it. I began to arm myself with more facts, went to my first Verity conference and started looking forward with a scrap of hope, rather than dread.

In 2014, I'm going to start talking in more depth about some of the things I've just mentioned, and I'm going to keep loving myself and turning every sweetie recipe into a low GI reality. 2014 is about self-care and agave nectar!

This new year, join me in my resolution to be my very best with PCOS and not in spite of it! XXX

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